Sunday, October 19, 2008

I'm a great Aunt

Here is me and Jillian, my grand niece. She was born on October 7th, 8 lbs, 2 oz.
Here is Carina holding Jillian. She is such a beautiful baby and very alert. I kept saying that she was wise beyond her days.
These pictures were taken at the hospital on Friday the 10th. She had to spend a few days in the NICU because she had a fever on her second day at the hospital, but by this day her temp was normal and she got to go home the next day.
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1 comment:

JudiB said...

Hi Cheryl,
Just wanted you to know that I have nominated you for the Kreative Blogger Award.
I always enjoy seeing what crafts and renovations are happening. I am sure all bloggers want your new Sewing Studio..oh my!! So impressive, lucky you.

Judi B.