Sunday, November 25, 2012

The pond is filling up and I'm not ready!

Well, we have had a bit of rain lately and I went out to see how the pond was doing and was suprised to see several inches of water in the bottom.
Especially since it doesn't have a bottom yet, just dirt.
The nice thing is, is that I can see that I got my footings really level.
I am so anxious to get working on it again, but not in this kind of weather.
You can also see it has a lot of leaves in it, well, those Laurel bushes will be gone after the pond is complete and there will be a fence in its place.

I went out on Black Friday to the pond store in Redmond and picked up my two skimmer units at half off, basically BOGO.  Little by little I am getting my parts together, right now on my wish list is an AquaForte Ultra Sieve III, Most places I have found it have it for $1799.00 but this place has it for $1399.00, still a lot of money, but it will be an essential piece of my pond filteration and the most expensive piece.  I am collecting my pennies again for that one.
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